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Doctor Ira Price

Dr. Ira Price is a prominent figure in the field of medical cannabis. He is an emergency physician and a recognized expert in cannabinoid medicine. Dr. Ira Price is a board-certified emergency medicine physician. He has extensive experience in acute care, having worked in emergency departments for many years.

 Dr. Price is a pioneer in the use of medical cannabis in Canada. He has been involved in cannabinoid medicine since its early days and has contributed significantly to the field through clinical practice, research, and education. Dr. Price is known for his efforts to educate both healthcare professionals and the public about the therapeutic uses of cannabis.


He frequently speaks at conferences and seminars and provides training on cannabinoid medicine. He has been involved in various research projects and has published articles on the medical use of cannabis. His work aims to provide evidence-based insights into the benefits and risks of cannabis therapy.
Dr. Price founded Synergy Health Services, one of the first clinics in Canada dedicated to cannabinoid medicine. The clinic focuses on integrating medical cannabis into patient care, providing personalized treatment plans, and supporting patients through their cannabis therapy journey.
Due to his expertise, Dr. Price is often consulted by media outlets for his opinions and insights on medical cannabis. He is a recognized authority on the subject and contributes to public discourse on the safe and effective use of cannabis for medical purposes.

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